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Celebrate Everything!

In Episode 25 of the Power Your Platform Podcast, I focus on Celebrating Everything and the Importance of Marking Your Story Milestones.

Because let’s face it: most of us are moving through life at warp speed. I mean, think back to your last birthday. Raise your hand if were you double-counting the candles on your own cake because you couldn’t quite believe you were “that age” already? Yeah, me too!

So today we’re going to spend some talking about celebrating our story milestones and learning how we can invite our audience on board to celebrate with us.

Here are the 3 reasons to celebrate everything and mark your story milestones:

1. Celebrating the small stuff helps us cultivate gratitude.

The bottom line is that celebrating the small stuff helps us notice the small stuff MORE – and the truth is, we’re surrounded by small stuff every day, aren’t we? Imagine how joyful our lives would be if we suddenly began to celebrate the stuff we take for granted like toilets that flush or flannel sheets or muddy paw prints on the kitchen floor.

And when it comes to our personal or professional growth – well, there’s plenty of room to celebrate. Be sure to keep track of your progress in a journal or using some key metrics that matter to you – and then when you reach your goals or micro-goals, haul out the balloons and let the festivities begin!

2. Celebrating the small stuff quiets our negative thoughts.

When we celebrate the milestones in our lives – whether big or small -- we’re telling those negative thoughts they’re straight-up out of touch. Because look at all the amazing progress we’re making.

Even if we’ve taken a baby step every day for the past month – that’s a huge leap ahead in 30 days. In fact, I’m constantly impressed by how much progress my clients make when they’re committed to taking action and building their purpose-driven platform.

It’s astounding what even one small action a day can amount to after a month or 6 months or a year! So when we keep track of where we started and how far we’ve come, there’s no denying that there’s cause for celebration.

And when we celebrate our current position and the steps that led us here, we remind ourselves that the negative thoughts inside our head are just thoughts.

They’re there because our human brains are designed to protect us against the unknown. But that’s where their power ends.

3. Celebrating the small stuff gets us excited about what’s coming next!

Because life is a journey, and we’ve still got a long ways to go! But when we recognize what we’ve achieved so far, it should motivate us to realize that the possibilities ahead of us are endless.

In fact, celebration can be the fuel that drives us to our next milestone. Olympic gold medalist and professional soccer player Mia Hamm once said, “Celebrate what you’ve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.”

So you celebrate your success, look ahead and set new milestones. And then be sure to celebrate each one. Because life is so much richer and more joyful when we celebrate – don’t you agree?

And until further notice – let’s celebrate everything! Are you with me? Alright then – could you please pass the cake?

P.S. To join the celebration inside our free Power Your Platform Facebook group, click here today!

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